Friday, August 24, 2012

And then you get a quick update

Wow - I know I said a week in my last post, but it has now been two and a half weeks since we started moving on this reconstruction! And let me tell you, it's been a crazy ride with no apparent end in sight at this point.

And the ceilings start go go up!

We moved back home a week ago today with no way to heat food, no furniture, one bathroom that is fully functional (one lost it's light fixture temporarily, and the other is a temporary storage site for our clothing and linens), and only our bedroom to "live" in! It's been a journey, that's for sure. Interesting. Amusing. But not fun!

Thursday's task: Vacuuming drywall dust.

Paul ended up having to go to school for a month for his Rig Technician, so the weekdays are all about what I can get done on my own. So far that has included: drywall cleanup, vacuuming, and today's job will be painting! Finally, a reason to get messy :)

I have a few layouts and scrapbooking things to share, but the camera hasn't surfaced yet - which is just as well because all the layouts are in boxes somewhere anyhow! Hopefully soon. For now though, head over to Treasured Memories' Inspiration Blog and check out some layouts I made for them earlier in the month. Click here for the Inspiration Blog!

Treasured Memories is a local scrapbook store that is located about five minutes from my house! Paul physically groaned when he realized we bought a house within walking distance of a scrapbook store :)

So go check out what I've been up to! And hopefully soon I'll be back with an actual scrapbook related post! :)

Monday, August 6, 2012

And then we actually start renovations

Oh my goodness! I'm seriously really excited right now. Tomorrow Paul will be home and we will finally be able to start working on the house again! And not a moment too soon - I love my family and all, but living with my mom and my brother is starting to get just a little too comfortable for me. Not to mention the whole four large dogs in one house thing.

With that said, I will most definitely not be around for the next week. There's ceilings to go up, drywalling to tape and sand and dust to clean up, plumbing and flooring and electrical, and a whole lot of other things.

Plus there's the whole "gotta find out where the rest of our stuff is" thing. Then to unpack. Oi!

If I get a chance to pre-write some posts tomorrow then you might get a few words outta me - but don't hold your breath! I'm pretty slow at this blogging thing :)

See you all next week when this hopefully reverts back into my living room!